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A consistent tendency was found in the model predictions of low inversion heights by 200 to 300 meters, inversion strengths that were too weak, and integrated liquid water values that were too high. These observed biases are consistent with underestimating the cloud top entrainment and resulting buoyancy flux in the modeled boundary layer. It is believed that this is due to the representation of entrainment at discrete and relatively coarse vertical levels suitable for operational prediction. An explicit entrainment parameterization was developed to represent the cloud top sub-grid scale processes and tested in COAMPSTM, which required accurate determination of the inversion height. It was found that the current method of determining boundary layer height in COAMPS™ based on the bulk Richardson number frequently misdiagnosed the boundary layer height when a weakly stable surface-based inversion was present. An alternative method based on the liquid potential temperature gradient was implemented with good results.