Three datasets on boundary-layer evolution were collected during IHOP (14 June, 21 June and 25 June 2002). Data included in these analyses are: S-Pol radar, two DOW mobile radars, mobile soundings, P-3 aircraft with Leandre II water vapor DIAL, UW King Air, a tethersonde, ISS with a wind profiler and RASS, serial ascents from four nearby radiosondes, Scanning Raman Lidar, AERIBAGO and mobile mesonets. These days comprise highly-coordinated data collection periods from before sunrise through the development of the convective boundary layer. Time series plots have been made from many of the datasets and suggest a great deal of variability in the moisture distribution on the three days. The combination of data collected should provide a comprehensive description of the development of the moisture field, in particular, during the early morning hours.