Airflow properties of the boundary layer around the coastal zone are examined using the MIPS/SMART-R data. Wind profiles exhibited temporal variability throughout the period of observations. The stable off-shore flow within stratiform precipitation exhibited a modest jet that descended from about 600 to 300 m within the 20 km zone centered on the coastline. Temporal variability was most likely related to gravity waves that were ducted by a stable layer capping the ABL. In contrast, the on-shore flow on the western side of the circulation center produced an unstable, more turbulent boundary layer that exhibited a well defined top varying between 400-1000 m MSL. Temporal variability in this flow regime was related to the presence of boundary layer rolls and a level of maximum wind that ascended from near to surface to 1.5 km after landfall occurred.. The horizontal variability of the each boundary layer is examined using high-resolution Doppler radar scans at locations up to 15 km on either side of the coastline, along the mean boundary layer flow direction. These analyses reveal that transitions in boundary layer structure for both the stable and unstable regimes were most substantial within 5 km of the coastline.