6.3 Application of the ARGO data in improving the oceanic model

Thursday, 12 August 2004: 11:15 AM
New Hampshire Room
Renhe Zhang, Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, Beijing, China; and Y. Yin and L. Shi

The ARGO data is used in improving the Zebiak-Cane (1987) model (ZC model). The examination of the parameterization of subsurface sea temperature in ZC model shows that the variation of the subsurface sea temperature agrees well with observations in the eastern equatorial Pacific. In the western equatorial Pacific, there is little variation of the subsurface sea temperature in ZC model, which differs greatly from the observations. Based on the ARGO data, the variation of the subsurface sea temperature is studied and the parameterization scheme of subsurface sea temperature in ZC model is improved. The improved parameterization scheme reflects well the variation of the subsurface sea temperature in the western equatorial Pacific. When the improved parameterization scheme is applied to the ZC model, it simulates reasonably the variation of the sea temperature in the western equatorial Pacific.
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