Session 5 |
| Land Surface Heterogeneity |
| Chair: Francis L. Ludwig, Stanford University, Stanford, CA
| 3:45 PM | 5.1 | Scalar similarity functions: the influence of surface heterogeneity and entrainment  Arnold F. Moene, Wageningen University, Wageningen, Netherlands; and D. Schüttemeyer and O. K. Hartogensis |
| 4:00 PM | 5.2 | Evaluating Sub-Grid Variability of Surface Fluxes with a Cellular Automata Version of the Wet-Dry DaisyWorld Model  Dennis Baldocchi, University of California, Berkeley, CA; and J. Dorsey and M. Leclerc |
| 4:15 PM | 5.3 | EVA_GRIPS and LITFASS-2003: What have we learned ? Frank Beyrich, German Meteorological Service, Lindenberg, Germany; and H. T. Mengelkamp, F. Ament, J. Bange, F. H. Berger, H. A. R. De Bruin, T. Foken, G. Heinemann, B. Hennemuth, C. Heret, S. Huneke, W. Kohsiek, J. P. Leps, C. Liebethal, H. Lohse, M. Mauder, W. M. L. Meijninger, S. Raasch, C. Simmer, T. Spieß, A. Tittebrand, J. Uhlenbrock, and P. Zittel |
| 4:30 PM | 5.4 | Mesoclimate at the Tapajós-Amazon river confluence  David R. Fitzjarrald, Atmospheric Sciences Research Center/University at Albany and State University of New York, Albany, NY; and R. K. Sakai, O. Moraes, O. C. Acevedo, and M. Czikowsky |
| 4:45 PM | 5.5 | Coriolis effects in katabatic flow along a differentially cooled sloping surface in a stratified fluid Alan Shapiro, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK; and C. Wall and E. Fedorovich |
| 5:00 PM | 5.6 | Effects of soil moisture heterogeneity on boundary layer flow with coupled groundwater, land-surface, and mesoscale atmospheric modeling  Fotini Katopodes Chow, Univ. of California, Berkeley, CA; and S. J. Kollet, R. M. Maxwell, and Q. Duan |