27th Conference on Agricultural and Forest Meteorology

Session 3

 Water/Carbon Cycle Relationships
 Chair: Dennis Baldocchi, University of California, Berkeley, CA
1:45 PM3.1Continuous isotope signal of water balance in a northeastern forest in the United States  
Kyounghee Kim, Yale University, New Haven, CT; and X. Lee
2:00 PM3.2Ecohydrological impacts of woody plant encroachment within a semiarid riparian environment  
Russell L. Scott, USDA-ARS Southwest Watershed Research Center, Tucson, AZ; and T. E. Huxman and D. G. Williams
2:15 PM3.3Interannual variability of water use efficiency in an old-growth forest under drought conditions  extended abstract wrf recording
Matthias Falk, University of California, Berkeley, CA; and K. T. Paw U, S. Wharton, and M. Schroeder
2:30 PM3.4Long-term carbon exchange in an old-growth temperate rain forest  extended abstract wrf recording
R. David Pyles, University of California, Davis, CA; and S. Wharton, L. Xu, K. T. Paw U, M. Falk, M. Schoeder, and J. Kochendorfer
2:45 PM3.5Net Ecosystem Exchange, Evapotranspiration and Canopy Conductance in a Riparian Forest  extended abstract wrf recording
John Kochendorfer, University of California, Davis, CA; and K. T. Paw U and E. G. Castillo Aranda
3:00 PM3.6The impact of water stress on carbon exchange in two contrasting stand-age coniferous forests of the Pacific Northwest  extended abstract wrf recording
Sonia Wharton, University of California, Davis, CA; and M. Schroeder, M. Falk, and K. T. Paw U

Tuesday, 23 May 2006: 1:45 PM-3:15 PM, Rousseau Suite

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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