17th Conference on Biometeorology and Aerobiology

Session 2

 Human biometeorology: The heat
 Organizer: Scott Sheridan, Kent State Univ., Kent, OH
10:30 AM2.1Medium Range Heat Health Forecasting  extended abstract
Paul Becker, Deutscher Wetterdienst, Freiburg, Germany; and C. Koppe
10:45 AM2.2Heat warnings: do people listen?  
Scott Sheridan, Kent State Univ., Kent, OH
11:00 AM2.3The feasibility of an evaporative cooler warning system for the U.S. Southwest  
Laurence Kalkstein, Univ. of Delaware, Marco Island, FL; and A. J. Kalkstein
11:15 AM2.4A comparison of biometeorological comfort indices and human mortality during heat waves in the United States.  extended abstract wrf recording
Robert E. Davis, Univ. of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA; and D. Knight, D. Hondula, and P. C. Knappenberger

Tuesday, 23 May 2006: 10:30 AM-11:30 AM, Boardroom

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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