These analyses have shown that the speed of the first LLJ maximum, i.e., the first speed maximum encountered above the ground (usually 100-250 m above the surface) was a more appropriate velocity scale than u*. The appropriate length scale was the height of this first speed maximum of the LLJ, i.e., the height of the LLJ. These measurements further show that the turbulence profile just described, with maximum at the surface decreasing to a minimum at the LLJ height, was appropriate for the least stable conditions (strongest LLJ speeds). Quantitatively, the peak value of σu near the surface was found to be 5% of the speed of the LLJ maximum. For slightly more stable conditions, however, the peak in the turbulence profile was elevated above the surface (but still 5 % of the LLJ maximum speed), leading to an upside down' structure, in which turbulence is generated aloft and transported downwards. Other findings were that the minimum in turbulence at the LLJ maximum did not necessarily go to 0, and that for LLJs with a distinct maximum or nose' profile, turbulence zones existed both above and below the level of the minimum value of turbulence at the jet nose, whereas for LLJs with a more constant wind-speed profile above the subjet shear zone, a maximum in turbulence existed only below the LLJ
These findings indicate that the control of the turbulence in the layer below the LLJ is the speed of the jet, which in turn constrains the jet height. This is significant because the speed of the LLJ is controlled by large-scale meteorological processes, rather than the details of the turbulent interactions near the surface.