|  | JP5.9 | Experiments on rotating and reflecting gravity wave beams Thomas Peacock, MIT, Cambridge, MA; and A. Tabaei and P. Weidman |
| | JP5.10 | Resonant instability of large-amplitude topographic gravity waves David J. Muraki, Simon Fraser Univ., Burnaby, BC, Canada; and Y. Lee and C. Epifanio |
| | JP5.11 | Potential uncertainties in using the hodograph method to retrieve gravity wave characteristics from individual soundings Fuqing Zhang, Texas A&M Univ., College Station, TX; and S. Wang and R. Plougonven |
| | JP5.12 | Explicit simulation of mesospheric gravity-wave drag in an idealized GCM with high vertical resolution Erich Becker, Leibniz-Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Kuehlungsborn, Germany; and G. Schmitz |
| | JP5.13 | Statistical properties of inertia-gravity waves associated with poleward breaking Rossby waves Christoph Zuelicke, Leibniz-Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Kuehlungsborn, Germany; and D. Peters |
| | JP5.14 | Paper moved, new paper number JP5.25A
| | JP5.15 | On the energetics of mean-flow interactions with thermally dissipating gravity waves Rashid A. Akmaev, CIRES/Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, CO |
| | JP5.16 | Observations and simulations of gravity waves in the lower stratosphere Dong L. Wu, JPL, Pasadena, CA; and S. Eckermann, A. J. Mannucci, T. P. Lane, J. H. Jiang, and J. W. Waters |
| | JP5.17 | Investigation of Internal Wave Fields using Eulerian and Lagrangian Formulations Gary Klaassen, York Univ., Toronto, ON, Canada; and L. Sonmor |
| | JP5.18 | An updated parameterization of convective gravity waves induced by diabatic and nonlinear forcings Hye-Yeong Chun, Yonsei Univ., Seoul, South Korea; and J. S. Goh and I. S. Song |
| | JP5.19 | Gravity wave climatology in the middle atmosphere Patricia Minthorn Franke, Univ.of Illinois and Colorado Research Associates, Urbana, IL |
| | JP5.20 | Impacts of gravity wave drag induced by cumulus convection in the middle atmosphere In-Sun Song, Yonsei Univ., Seoul, South Korea; and H. Y. Chun, R. R. Garcia, and B. A. Boville |
| | JP5.21 | On the propagation and upscale development of explicity simulated convectively-coupled gravity waves Stefan N. Tulich, NOAA/CIRES/CDC, Boulder, CO; and B. Mapes |
| | JP5.22 | The sensitivity of above-cloud gravity wave breaking and turbulence to background flow conditions Todd P. Lane, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and R. D. Sharman |
| | JP5.23 | Optimal Perturbations to Inertia-Gravity-Wave Packets Ulrich Achatz, Universitaet Rostock, Kuehlungsborn, Germany; and G. Schmitz |
| | JP5.23A | Optimal perturbations to monochromatic gravity waves and their possible role in the formation of thin turbulent layers in the mesosphere (formerly paper JP5.2) Ulrich Achatz, Leibniz-Institut fuer Atmosphaerenphysik an der Universitaet Rostock, Kuehlungsborn, Germany |
| | JP5.24 | Observations of mesoscale gravity waves in unbalanced flow John A. Knox, Univ. of Georgia, Athens, GA; and G. P. Ellrod |
| | JP5.25 | Importance of propagation effects in determining the characteristics of inertia-gravity waves generated by jets and fronts Riwal Plougonven, Univ. of St. Andrews, St. Andrews, Fife, United Kingdom; and C. Snyder and D. J. Muraki |
| | JP5.25A | Spontaneous generation and propagation of inertia-gravity waves in baroclinic lifecycles(formerly paper JP5.14) Riwal Plougonven, Univ. of St. Andrews, St. Andrews, Fife, United Kingdom; and C. Snyder |
| | JP5.26 | Gravity wave dynamics in rotating shallow water David J. Muraki, Simon Fraser Univ., Burnaby, BC, Canada; and A. McKenzie |
| | JP5.27 | Characteristics of inertia-gravity waves observed by rawinsonde during the passage of deep convective systems in the Korean Peninsula Jung-Suk Goh, Yonsei Univ., Seoul, South Korea; and H. Y. Chun and I. S. Song |
| | JP5.28 | Rossby-inertia-bouyancy instability in baroclinic vortices (formerly paper P2.15) Daniel Hodyss, Univ. of Miami/RSMAS, Miami, FL; and D. S. Nolan |