Thursday, 16 June 2005
Riverside (Hyatt Regency Cambridge, MA)
By periodicity analysis global SSTA data are decomposed into inter-annual and inter-decadal parts. Variance analysis is applied to uncover oceanic regions of most noticeable interdecadal components and their seasonal variations and SVD is utilized to investigate the space/time structures of SSTA simultaneous and time-lag correlations with winter mean temperature and summer rainfall total of the mainland on an interdecadal basis. Evidence suggests that of the winter and summer SSTA variances the interdecadal components are more significant compared to the interannual counterparts, and when positive interdecadal anomaly in SST is available, so is it often in nationwide winter temperature dominantly over the north and east of the country and also in the summer precipitation for the mid lower basin of the Yangtze and South China as opposed to northern-China rainfall in the summer and v.v.. Key words: global sea surface temperature anomaly, anomaly of winter temperature /summer rainfall of China, interdecadal variation, simultaneous and time-lag correlations.