P1.4 Sensitivity of ocean's climate to diapycnal diffusivity in a coupled model

Monday, 13 June 2005
Thomas Paine B (Hyatt Regency Cambridge, MA)
Fabio Dalan, MIT, Cambridge, MA; and P. H. Stone, I. V. Kamenkovich, and J. R. Scott

The diapycnal diffusivity in the ocean is one of the least known parameters in current climate models. Measurements of this diffusivity are sparse and insufficient for compiling a global map. Inferences from inverse methods and energy budget calculations suggest as much as a factor of 5 difference in the global mean value of the diapycnal diffusivity. In this study we examine the sensitivity of the current climate to the diapycnal diffusivity, focusing on the changes occurring in the ocean circulation, using a coupled model with a 3-dimensional idealized ocean. Our results show that the strength of the thermohaline circulation in our "North Atlantic" scales with the 0.44 power of the diapycnal diffusivity, in contrast to the theoretical value based on scaling arguments for uncoupled models of 2/3. However, we find that the strength of the circulation in the "South Pacific" scales with the 0.63 power of the diapycnal diffusivity, in closer accordance with the theoretical value. The vertical heat balance in the global ocean is controlled by: in the downward direction, (i) advection and (ii) diapycnal diffusion; in the upward direction, (iii) isopycnal diffusion and (iv) parameterized mesoscale eddy (Gent McWilliams) advection. The size of the latter three fluxes increases with diapycnal diffusivity, because the thickness of the thermocline also increases with diapycnal diffusivity, leading to greater isopycnal slopes at high latitudes, and hence enhanced isopycnal diffusion and GM advection. Thus larger diapycnal diffusion is compensated for by changes in isopycnal diffusion and GM advection. Little change is found in the advective flux because of compensation between downward and upward advection. We also examine sensitivity results for the hysteresis curve of the thermohaline circulation for two different scenarios. The stability of the climate system to slow freshwater perturbations is reduced as a consequence of a smaller diapycnal diffusivity, consistent with results from 2-dimensional climate models. On the other hand, we do not find a common threshold for the shutdown of the thermohaline circulation.

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