P3.2 Wave-driven vortex dynamics on barred beaches

Friday, 17 June 2005
Thomas Paine B (Hyatt Regency Cambridge, MA)
Andrea K. Barreiro, New York University, New York, NY

We present a numerical study of forced-dissipative vortex dynamics in topography representing a wedge and a barred beach. This study was motivated by the observation that inhomogeneous wave breaking creates vortices, which in the case of a barred beach move into the trough and create an alongshore current there. Aspects that will be discussed will include preferential vortex location and alongshore current generation. This study was performed using a new PV-based model that has some advantages over other implementations that use velocity and pressure variables, including the easy implementation of nonreflecting boundary conditions.

Progress permitting, we will also discuss statistical mechanics methods for modeling vortex dynamics with topography.

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