WeatherFest, a new education outreach program
Ron Gird, NOAA/NWS, Silver Spring, MD; and J. F. Hasling
The American Meteorological Society's WeatherFest Program is an interactive public outreach event promoting the concepts and fundamental principles of meteorology and oceanography using hands-on demonstrations, exhibits and most of all, plain language. WeatherFest features class-room type experiments, career guides, scholarship information, hand-outs, and prizes. The local broadcast meteorologists play an important role in WeatherFest which provides an opportunity to talk with leading scientists providing daily forecasts and doing research to improve future weather predictions. Elements of a successful WeatherFest Program will be discussed, to encourage groups and organizations to conduct their own local WeatherFest Program.
Session 3, Informal education for meteorology and oceanography
Monday, 3 July 2006, 11:00 AM-2:30 PM, Centre Greene Building 1, Auditorium
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