Seventh International Conference on School and Popular Meteorological and Oceanographic Education

Session 12


Science, society and schools

  Chairperson: Malcolm Walker, Royal Meteorological Society, Reading, United Kingdom
8:30 AM12.1Weather science short courses for 'talented and gifted' school students in England  
Ross Reynolds, University of Reading, Reading, United Kingdom
8:45 AM12.2Weather and Climate in European School Curricula  
Tomas Halenka, Charles Univ., Prague, Czech Republic; and A. Spekat and J. Wieringa
9:00 AM12.3Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellows in NOAA's Office of Education  
Beth Jewell, NOAA Office of Education, Washington, DC; and R. Carson
9:15 AM12.4Comparing knowledge about greenhouse effect and ozone layer among Norwegian pupils finishing compulsory education in 1989, 1993 and 2005  extended abstract
Pål J. Kirkeby Hansen, Oslo University College, N-0130 Oslo, Norway
9:30 AM12.5Climate education – Empowering today's youth to meet tomorrow's challenges  
Camilla Schreiner, University of Oslo, N-0317 Oslo, Norway; and E. K. Henriksen and P. J. K. Hansen
9:45 AM12.6Bringing Megacity Environmental Impacts to a Global Community of Learners and Educators on the World Wide Web through Windows to the Universe  
Roberta M. Johnson, UCAR, Boulder, Colorado; and S. Q. Foster, J. Bergman, T. Eastburn, L. Gardiner, J. Genyuk, N. Gordon, M. LaGrave, R. Russell, D. Ward, D. Salcedo, J. Weinstein-Lloyd, and B. C. Gonzalez
10:00 AMCoffee Break  

Friday, 7 July 2006: 8:30 AM-10:30 AM, Centre Greene Building 1, Auditorium

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