W5.1 AMS Weatherfest: Activities in Oceanography and Meteorology

Tuesday, 4 July 2006: 10:30 AM
Millennium Hotel, Century Room (Millennium Hotel)
Faye W. McCollum, AMS/AERA, Columbus, GA; and S. M. Carlson

AMS WEATHERFEST Activities in Oceanography and Meteorology

AMS Atmospheric Education Resource Agents and Maury teachers from the United States will share workshops and presentations, exciting classroom activities, and hands-on activities in meteorology and oceanography. Areas of concentration will feature the following topics:

The Properties of Air DataStreme and Maury Investigations Catching the Invisible Giant Clouds in a Bottle Density and Salinity Exploring the Eggciting Atmosphere Science Outside the Textbook Cotton Clouds Gravity Rules Boiling Water With Ice Making a Weather Page Your Own WeatherFest

Join AMS Maury and AERA teachers as they celebrate the global atmospheric system in a series of interactive explorations and experiments.

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner