P1.26 The role of interest circles in preparing students for meteorology careers in Cuba

Tuesday, 4 July 2006
Millennium Room (Millennium Hotel)
Mayra Santana, Sociedad Meteorológica de Cuba, Ciudad Habana, Cuba; and O. Garcia and J. Machado

The "círculos de interés", or "interest circles", are a coordinated set of community-based after-school activities dedicated to increasing exposure to science and to scientific careers among K-12 students in Cuba. The interest circles specifically dedicated to meteorology are an important link in Cuba's disaster preparedness efforts, as they serve to increase public awareness of meteorology and alert the public to potentially adverse meteorological events. This poster will outline some the activities sponsored by the Cuban meteorology interest circles in recent years and the role they have played in identifying future professional meteorologists and helping them prepare for the rigourous entrance exams required for admission to the University of Havana's meteorology programs.
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