P1.20 MetLinkInternational – the Royal Meteorological Society's principal online weather project

Tuesday, 4 July 2006
Millennium Room (Millennium Hotel)
Malcolm Walker, Royal Meteorological Society, Reading, United Kingdom

This poster presentation will provide details of the aims, objectives, benefits, requirements, resources, results, achievements, shortcomings and continuing development of MetLinkInternational, the Royal Meteorological Society's principal online weather project, which has been running annually since 1998. The essence of the project is that participants make and exchange weather observations by means of an online database and, with the help and guidance of meteorological professionals, analyse and interpret the observations. The project is for primary and secondary schools (age range 7-19) and for individuals of any age. It supports Geography, Science, Mathematics, Art, Field Work and/or Information Technology.
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner