P1.32 Introducing leadership models and NCAR's multi-disciplinary research to undergraduates

Tuesday, 4 July 2006
Millennium Room (Millennium Hotel)
Susan Q. Foster, UCAR, Boulder, CO; and T. Barnes and K. K. Droegemeier

For the past five years, NCAR has sponsored over 100 college juniors who have participated in the Undergraduate Leadership Workshop, a 5-day summer program featuring models leadership and exciting research and career opportunities in the atmospheric and related sciences. Nominated by their universities, many who are members of the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research community, the 20 selected participants experience informal dialogue with diverse, early career and highly successful research scientists who describe their personal journeys into the atmospheric sciences, research interests, and responsibilities. Daily field trips introduce the students to NCAR and NOAA laboratories, instrumentation, complex field campaigns, and computing facilities that support multi-disciplinary studies of weather, climate change, solar dynamics, the Sun-Earth system, and the impacts of severe weather and climate change on societies around the world. This poster will describe how the program is structured, how participating students and universities benefit from it, and what lessons have been learned by the workshop organizers.
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