13.1 Tsunami detection & ocean drifters

Friday, 7 July 2006: 10:30 AM
Centre Greene Building 1, Auditorium (UCAR Centre Greene Campus)
John L. Kermond, UCAR, Silver Spring, MD


Following the recovery and deployment of a tsunami detection buoy off the coast of Chile in December 2004, a NOAA Teacher at Sea described the life saving features of such an instrument. Six days later the catastrophic tsunami was generated off the coast of Indonesia. Share the teacher's video story*, with another rare moment in time.

Only rarely do we have the opportunity to engage a Nobel Laureate in the deployment of an ocean drifter. The second part of this video presentation will be sharing the September 2005 launch of drifter #1249 with Archbishop Desmond Tutu from on board the MV Explorer near Capetown, South Africa.

*A case bound story book of the entire shipboard experience will be available in all of the registration packets for EWOC attendees.

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner