5th Symposium on Fire and Forest Meteorology and the 2nd International Wildland Fire Ecology and Fire Management Congress

Monday, 17 November 2003
Using FOFEM 5.0 to estimate tree mortality, fuel consumption, smoke production and soil heating from wildland fire
Elizabeth D. Reinhardt, USDA Forest Service, Missoula, MT
Poster PDF (202.6 kB)
FOFEM 5.0 is a computer program that was developed to meet needs of resource managers, planners, and analysts in predicting and planning for fire effects. FOFEM predicts tree mortality from surface fire, based on flame length or scorch height, and tree species and size. It predicts consumption of down woody fuels by size class, and the resultant fire intensity over time using the BURNUP model. It predicts emissions (and emission rate) of PM10, PM2.5, CO, CO2 , and CH4, by flaming and smoldering combustion. It predicts soil heating at a range of soil depths over time since ignition.

FOFEM can be used in a variety of situations. Examples include: setting acceptable upper and lower fuel moistures for conducting prescribed burns; determining the number of acres that may be burned on a given day without exceeding particulate emission limits; assessing effects of wildfire; developing timber salvage guidelines following wildfire; and comparing expected outcomes of alternative actions. It has been incorporated in several analysis packages including BlueSky and SIS (Smoke Impact Spreadsheet) for modeling smoke dispersion, and FIREHARM, a landscape fire hazard assessment model.

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