10C.1 Evaluation and adaptation of thermal stress due to climate change in traditional settlements in Taiwan

Wednesday, 1 October 2014: 10:30 AM
Conference Room 2 (Embassy Suites Cleveland - Rockside)
Shing-Ru Yang, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan; and T. P. Lin

Climate change has a significant impact on human living environment, while the traditional settlement may suffer extreme thermal stress due to its specific building type and living behavior. This study selected Lutaoyang, which is the largest settlement in mountainous areas of Tainan County, for the investigation area. The microclimate parameters, such as air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, and mean radiant temperature, are recorded during the survey. Meanwhile, the video recordings and questionnaires survey for residents are conducted simultaneously. The measured values were applied in the simulation of the micro-climate models and long-term thermal comfort performance were calculated based on both the past climate data (2002-2011) and projected climate data generated and morphed from the MICRO3.2-m GCM of the IPCC A1B scenarios (2080-2099).The results showed the banyan tree area providing good thermal comfort condition due to the shading. On the contrary, the courtyard (traditionally for the crops drying) surrounded by low rise building and consisted of artificial pavement contribute heat stress especially in summer noon. In the climate change simulations, the courtyard will became very hot and are not suitable for residents activities. These analytical results will shad light on the sustainability related to thermal environment in traditional settlements and develop adaptive measure towards sustainable development under the climate change challenges.
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