9C.5 Heat stroke information in Japan

Wednesday, 1 October 2014: 9:00 AM
Conference Room 2 (Embassy Suites Cleveland - Rockside)
Michihiko Tonouchi, Japan Meteorological Business Support Center, Tokyo, Japan; and M. Ono
Manuscript (716.4 kB)

Heat stroke patients, caused by hot environment, has been increasing in these 10 years and ‘heat stroke' becomes the one of big issues in Japanese summer. In order to inform heat stroke risks to the public for preventing heat strokes, Ministry of the Environment manages heat stroke information web site from May to October. At the site, 1 hourly actual WBGT value and WBGT forecast for 840 towns (2days forecast in 3 hourly interval) are provided and 1.14 million hits were recorded in 2013 summer. Additionally Fire and Disaster Management Agency and National Institute for Environmental Studies report daily number of heat stroke patients (whole Japan and big cities) once a week, and Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare provides the number of heat stroke patients in previous day based on a prompt report from emergency hospitals.
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