Climate change is not a remote event, but a phenomenon that already affects the tourism sector and certain destinations in particular, mountain regions and coastal destinations among others. At the same time, the tourism sector is contributing to greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), especially through the transport of tourists. tourism is a major source of global day to day activities emerging from business, cultural trends and global economy. Tourism is a potential revenue generation and employments creation for the people. This paper investigates the relationship between climate, weather and tourism from the perspective views of geography of tourism and climatology. This work will analyze the nature of influences climate change has on tourism, hospitality and recreation. It focuses on the need to improve the simplicity descriptions traditionally reported in planning projects which are often unconnected to the requirements of tourism and revealing the links that atmospheric phenomena has on tourism. The research find out the relationship between extreme weather conditions by using correlation and regression coefficient between the weather parameters and the visitors to the tourist sites for different weather season in Nigeria. The tourism sites investigated are Beach in Lagos and Idanre Hill in Ondo. Key words: Climatic Variation, Weather, Season, Tourism Site, and Tourist