8B.7 Biothermal Conditions in Serbia in Function of Health Tourism and Recreation

Tuesday, 30 September 2014: 5:00 PM
Salon III (Embassy Suites Cleveland - Rockside)
Milica Pecelj, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade, Serbia, Serbia

The territory of Serbia is surrounded by the two large geographic regions, Adriatic basin on the south and Pannonian Basin on the north. Among them are the Dinaric mountain system extending to the southwest Serbia, Carpathian mountain system in the northeastern Serbia, the highest-Pindus mountain range and the Rhodope mountain system on the south. In such geographical ambient there is rich hydro-structure consists of number of rivers and lakes.

In particular, the richness of nature is a huge number of thermal springs of mineral water. In more than 40 spa centers there are over 300 sources of mineral and thermo-mineral water and many sites of medical gas and medical peloids which makes Serbia the richest area in Europe. Serbian spas are located mainly in the valleys of the mountains, so their immediate environment is surrounded by dense forests, lakes, rivers and caves which is very convenient for recreation.

This paper represents a part of the research in the field of human bioclimatоlogy and refers to the possible identification of favorable or unfavorable biothermal conditions in Serbia. The assumption is that spas are often places with favorable climate with healing air. The idea is to present the impact of meteorological parameters on the humans in order to represent climate identity for recreation and health tourism. We tried to compare bioclimatic analysis of six weather stations located in different geographical areas. Specific identification of bioclimatic condition is proposed by bioclimatic index heat load in man which is result of the human heat balance calculated under the menex model. For this calculation, daily meteorological data were taken for the warmest month of July for the decade 2000-2010.

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