5D.6 Medical Meteorology : Weather Assists Ease of Labor (child birth) - A Unique Location in India

Tuesday, 30 September 2014: 9:00 AM
Conference Room 2 (Embassy Suites Cleveland - Rockside)
Deepak Bhattacharya, Sri Radha Krishna, Bhubaneswar, India

In 1853, British clinician H. E. Hoskins used the term “medical Meteorology” (BMJ), which apparently was also in vogue across Europe (BJHS). Unaware of such pre-use we in 2006 had also used this term in our caption (IMS-Vayu mandal) - now acknowledged. Acute Low pressure assists child birth. Labor occurs due to contraction of the abdominal musculature. Atmospheric pressure is the sole external opposing force (at partum). Abdominal muscular contraction at human labor generates a pressure gradient of 50mm Hg during the 2nd stage of labor (actual delivery). This is 1/15th of fair weather barometric pressure at mean sea level i.e 67 gm/cm2 (latitude & orography specific). True for all non-temperate India regions. In fair weather i.e., normal atmospheric pressure, labor requires full muscular contractive thrust. A very severe cyclonic storm/tornado, develops a estimated central pressure of 970-950hPa which is equal to a reduction of the order 30 – 50 gms/cm2. Hence, atmospheric conditions come close to that of what is generated during the 2nd stage of labor (~50% reduction in natural opposing thrust). Severe cyclones collinearly also induces psychosomatic response in existing pregnancies of final trimester, and hastens onset of the 1st stage contractions. Atmospheric low smoothens the 2nd stage labor. There is also expression of extra large doses of Oxytocin by the brain. And Oxytocin upregulates abdominal contraction. Severe cyclones also have high impact causing internal eddies (micro-bursts), that have more steep pressure gradients; wind energy and sonic boom. Actual delivery always seem to be timed with microbursts. The natural phenomena apart, short, easier labor and child birth also results in ‘nil' mother and\or child mortality; specially in the rural and in the remote; where there aren't any medical facility. Due such natural phenomena the primigravidae (1st time mothers) suffer much less, i.e., least labor pangs. A unique ever present low pressure region is reported from India. Dahod is a fair weather locus on the western shore board of India. It too has a coastal location (Dahod-Gujarat - western India) having year long fair weather - with rainlessness (semi-arid). On ground co-relation is done and ease of labor is noted as collinear phenomena (clinically validated). Dahod is compared with another location on geographical parameters (Sambalpore- Odisa) on the eastern sea board of India. Tornados are micro and norwesters (kaal vaisakhi weather systems) are meso scale members. Year out such eastern shore board of India experiences events of all the 3 scales. The contrast is presented in tabulated form based on 30yrs., average. Numerous interesting and fruitful observations have been adduced. Globally 1st time report. Study is not exhaustive offers unique opportunity.
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