10C.5 Spatial Variation of Comfort Level in Chennai Metropolitan Area under Present and Future Climate Scenarios

Wednesday, 1 October 2014: 11:30 AM
Conference Room 2 (Embassy Suites Cleveland - Rockside)
Anushiya Jeganathan, Anna University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India; and R. Andimuthu

Chennai is fourth largest metropolis in India and one of the fastest growing economic and Industrial growth centers in South Asia. The long term temporal changes and spatial distribution of comfort level in Chennai Metropolitan Area were studied and the influence of green cover on thermal comfort also analyzed in this work. For long term changes past 60 years data was used. The results show there is an increasing trend of discomfort level in the city particularly in summer months. And there is an alarming and distressing fact that the discomfort level in winter season is increasing high. Spatial distribution of comfort level was mapped using GIS from the reading taken at predetermined sites. The comfort and dangerous zones were identified through mapping. The severe discomfort level was observed in central core city, which is distinguished for its commercial activities and dense residential buildings.In south Chennai, severe discomfort was recorded near Chennai's main dumping yard Perungudi landfill.Future comfort level are calculated using PRECIS output. Thus, the study urges city administration, policy makers and architects to take up effective mitigation and adaptation strategies in the city to make people more comfortable.
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