4A.1 Risk communication: New and innovative ways of reaching the masses in the digital era, and lessons learned

Monday, 29 September 2014: 4:00 PM
Salon II (Embassy Suites Cleveland - Rockside)
Jason Samenow, Washington Post, Washington, DC

Information bombards people in this digital age across a growing range of platforms and media. Attention spans are shrinking while information sources are proliferating. How do scientists effectively break through to the public with salient information given these challenging circumstances?

Understanding how information is consumed is critical to reaching your audience. Writing eye-catching headlines (or "tweets"), engaging in two-way conversations on social media, making emotional connections, building trust, and effectively communicating uncertain information are all critical tactics for reaching your audiences. This presentation will focus on lessons learned in building a receptive, engaged audience for climate and weather information based on over 10 years of experience and experimentation.

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