Session 5B Phenology I: Monitoring

Tuesday, 30 September 2014: 8:00 AM-10:00 AM
Salon III (Embassy Suites Cleveland - Rockside)
Host: 20th International Congress of Biometeorology
Mark D. Schwartz, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Geography, Milwaukee, WI

9:00 AM
European vegetation response to climate drivers in the last decade: using 1 km MERIS data for modelling changes in land surface phenology
Victor F. Rodriguez-Galiano, University of Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom; and J. Dash and P. Atkinson

9:15 AM
Monitoring Vegetation Phenology Using Daily Nadir BRDF-Adjusted VIs from VIIRS
Yan Liu, UMASS Boston, Boston, MA; and C. Schaaf and Z. Wang

9:45 AM
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner