12th Conference on Cloud Physics


Precipitation from shallow cumulus and the depth of the tradewind layer

Bjorn Stevens, Univ. of California, Los Angeles, CA; and L. Nuijens

In this two part study we investigate the relationship between precipitation and the depth of the trade-wind layer. In part one, radar based estimates of precipitation during the Rain in Cumulus Over the Ocean field study are explored in relationship to the depth of the cloud layer, and other ambient factors. Results are compared to findings from DYCOMS-II for which cloud base precipitation was found to scale proportionally to H^3/N where H was the depth of the cloud layer and N was the ambient cloud drop number concentration. In part two we extend recent simulation results that show idealized non-precipitating convective layers increase their depth linearly in time (in contrast to the square-root of time growth of dry convective layers) to explore the effect of precipitation. These results are evaluated in the context of overall roll of the trade winds, and shallow maritime cumulus convection, on the general circulation. .

Session 9, RICO
Thursday, 13 July 2006, 8:30 AM-10:00 AM, Ballroom AD

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