12th Conference on Atmospheric Radiation

Session 8


Remote Sensing of Clouds and Aerosols IV: Aerosols

 Chair: Zhanqing Li, University of Maryland, College Park, MD
10:30 AM8.1Lidar aerosol retrievals from ICESat using a model-based constrained ratio approach  extended abstract wrf recording
John A. Reagan, Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, AZ; and X. Wang, S. P. Palm, and J. Spinhirne
10:45 AM8.2Development of algorithms to retrieve aerosol optical properties from dual wavelength polarization lidar and application to the lidar data measured over the tropical Pacific Ocean  extended abstract
Tomoaki Nishizawa, MRI, Tsukuba, Japan; and H. Okamoto, T. Takemura, N. Sugimoto, I. Matsui, and A. Shimizu
11:00 AM8.3Modeling and ground-based observations of light absorbing aerosols and their effect on the degree of linear polarization  extended abstract wrf recording
Bryan M. Karpowicz, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA; and I. N. Sokolik
11:15 AM8.4Probabilistic dust-cloud mask as a discrimination tool and a data confidence level indicator  
Anton Darmenov, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA; and I. N. Sokolik
11:30 AM8.5The continuous monitoring of desert dust using an infrared-based dust detection and retrieval method  extended abstract wrf recording
David P. Duda, National Institute of Aerospace, Hampton, VA; and P. Minnis, Q. Trepte, and S. Sun-Mack
11:45 AM8.6Aerosol type detection using satellite remote sensing over the South-East Asia  
Jaehwa Lee, Yonsei Univ., Seoul, South Korea; and J. Kim and J. M. Yoon

Wednesday, 12 July 2006: 10:30 AM-12:00 PM, Ballroom AD

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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