12th Conference on Atmospheric Radiation

Session 14


Remote Sensing of Clouds and Aerosols V: New Passive Techniques

 Chair: William D. Collins, NCAR, Boulder, CO
10:30 AM14.1Cloud optical, microphysical and macrophysical retrieval from synergy between POLDER3/Parasol and MODIS/Aqua : Preliminary results  
Jérôme Riédi, Laboratoire d’Optique Atmosphérique, USTL, Lille, France; and C. Oudard, J. M. Nicolas, F. Parol, and S. Platnick
10:45 AM14.2Retrieval of cloud geometrical properties using ADEOS-II/GLI  extended abstract wrf recording
Makoto Kuji, Nara Women's University, Nara, Nara, Japan; and T. Nakajima
11:00 AM14.3Variability and trends in global cloud parameters from Oxygen A-band measurements by GOME and SCIAMACHY  
P. Stammes, KNMI, De Bilt, Netherlands; and N. Fournier and P. Wang
11:15 AM14.4Cirrus cloud fields measured by the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder  
B. Kahn, NASA/JPL, Pasadena, CA; and A. Eldering and K. N. Liou
11:30 AM14.5Relating radiance and irradiance: Using 2D cirrus cloud fields from remote sensing for a model-measurement comparison of spectral irradiance  
K. Sebastian Schmidt, Colorado Univ., Boulder, CO; and P. Pilewskie, S. E. Platnick, P. Yang, and M. Wendisch
11:45 AM14.6Impact of Finite Resolution Measurement on Low Cloud Climatology Derived from Satellite Data  
Guangyu Zhao, Univ. of Illinois, Urbana, IL; and L. Di Girolamo

Friday, 14 July 2006: 10:30 AM-12:00 PM, Hall of Ideas G-J

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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