Poster Session P1.7 Investigation of atmospheric aerosol with multiwavelength lidar

Monday, 10 July 2006
Grand Terrace (Monona Terrace Community and Convention Center)
G. KarasiƱski, Institute of Experimental Physics, Warsaw University, Warsaw, Poland; and T. Stacewicz, S. Chudzynski, W. Skubiszak, S. Malinowski, and A. Jagodnicka

Handout (159.9 kB)

Results of investigation of particle size distribution of atmospheric aerosol performed with lidar working simultaneously at five wavelengths (355, 425, 532, 850 and 1064 nm) are presented. The measurements were done in summer of 2004 in Wroc³aw (Poland) and then in spring of 2005 in Warsaw. A novel technique of retrieving of aerosol size distribution based on the direct fit of this function to the lidar signals was applied. Due to that the using of misdoubt lidar ratio was omitted. Remote studies of different processes in the atmosphere as changes of particle size distribution due to condensation of water droplets (that took place at the top of the boundary layer), as well as the changes of this function at the border of a cloud are presented.
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