Handout (526.8 kB)
The Goddard Cloud Ensemble (GCE) Model with the Hebrew University Cloud Model (HUCM)'s explicit cloud microphysics package is used in this study. The explicit microphysical scheme resolves the size distributions of water drops, hail, graupel, snow aggregates, three ice species (dendrites, plates and columns), as well as the aerosols using different mass bins. The activations of CCN are calculated using the physical principles, making the model a perfect tool to study the aerosol indirect effects. Three cases are simulated in this study: a mid-latitude continental MCS (PRE-STORM, June, 1985), a tropical maritime MCS (TOGA COARE, February, 1992), and a tropical sea breeze convection (CRYSTAL, July, 2001). It is shown through model sensitivity tests that increasing aerosol concentrations may change both the microphysical and dynamical structures of deep convective systems. The sensitivities of aerosol as CCN are also highly case dependent, ranging from reducing surface rainfall in the mid-latitude MCS case to enhancing the convection in the tropical case. The detailed analyses of model outputs reveal some of the mechanisms and the complexity of the aerosol-microphysics-dynamics interactions.