Session 2 |
| Spatial and space-time statistics |
| Organizer: G. Louis Smith, NASA/LRC, Hampton, VA
| 3:30 PM | 2.1 | The use of principal component analysis for climatological inference Michael B. Richman, Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman, OK; and R. H. Compagnucci |
| 3:50 PM | 2.2 | A method for climate signal estimation from incomplete data Steven C. Sherwood, Universities Space Research Association, Seabroook, MD |
|  | 2.3 | Modes of Optimal Persistence in SST and Height Fields Timothy M. DelSole, COLA, Calverton, MD |
| 4:09 PM | 2.4 | Statistical Analysis of Innovation Vectors Qin Xu, NOAA/NSSL, Norman, OK; and L. Wei and A. VanTuyl |
| 4:29 PM | 2.5 | A non-correlation-based approach to the search for anthropogenic climate change signals David R Legates, University of Delaware, Newark, DE; and R. E. Davis, O. F. Frauenfeld, and S. M. Robeson |