|  | 7.2 | Spatial and temporal modeling of hourly ozone levels for assessment of GChM modeling Xingye Cherry Lei, PNNL, Richland, WA; and K. Anderson, C. M. Berkowitz, and S. Zhong |
| 3:19 PM | 7.3 | A hybrid mesoscale-gaussian plume approach to air pollution analysis in heterogeneous regions Hasnah Hasan, State Climate Office of North Carolina, Raleigh, NC; and D. S. Niyogi, S. Raman, and R. Gilliam |
| 3:39 PM | 7.4 | An aggregation and episode selection scheme for EPA's Models-3 CMAQ Brian K. Eder, NOAA/ARL, Research Triangle Park, NC; and R. D. Cohn, S. K. LeDuc, and R. L. Dennis |
| 3:59 PM | 7.5 | Aerosol climatologies from a numerical model and climate observations Helen C. Power, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC |