12th Conference on Applied Climatology

Session 8b

 Model derived data (Parallel with Sessions 8A and J3)
 Organizer: Mark Carrol, Murray and Trettel, Inc., Northfield, IL
8:20 AM8b.0Coffee Break  
8:40 AM8b.1Methods to establish the quality of simulated climatological data produced by numerical mesoscale modeling techniques  
Glenn E. Van Knowe, MESO, Inc., Troy, NY; and J. W. Zack, K. T. Waight, P. E. Price, and C. E. Graves
9:00 AM8b.2A technique to use observed climatological data to improve the quality of simulated climatological data produced by a numerical mesoscale model  
Charles E. Graves, Saint Louis University, St. Louis, MO; and G. E. Van Knowe, J. W. Zack, K. T. Waight, and P. E. Price
9:20 AM8b.3Estimation of surface air temperature in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago using a semi-empirical, knowledge-based "topoclimatic" model  
David E. Atkinson, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada; and K. Gajewski
9:40 AM8b.4A Modeling study of Seabreeze fronts along a complex Coastline  
Robert C. Gilliam, State Climate Office of North Carolina, Raleigh, NC; and S. Raman and D. S. Niyogi
10:00 AM8b.5An atmospheric modeling system designed to create simulated wind climatologies to support wind-generated power production  
John W. Zack, MESO, Inc., Troy, NY; and K. T. Waight, G. E. Van Knowe, and M. D. Bousquet

Thursday, 11 May 2000: 8:20 AM-10:20 AM

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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