15th Conference on Probability and Statistics in the Atmospheric Sciences
12th Conference on Applied Climatology

Joint Session 2

 Weather Derivatives (Joint between 15th Conference on Probability and Statistics in the Atmospheric Sciences and 12th Conference on Applied Climatology
 Organizer: Todd Anderson, Virginia Power, Glen Allen, VA
3:00 PMJ2.1Future weather data needs for the weather derivatives industry  
To be announced, Weather Derivatives Industry
3:20 PMJ2.2Sources of weather data for pricing weather derivatives  
To be announced, Weather Derivatives Industry
3:40 PMJ2.3The financial impact of weather from an energy perspective  
To be announced, Weather Derivatives Industry
4:00 PMJ2.4Weather derivatives: structures and formats  
To be announced, Wx Derivatives Industry
4:20 PMJ2.5Weather risk management using weather derivatives: A case study  
To be announced, Weather Derivatives Industry

Wednesday, 10 May 2000: 3:00 PM-4:40 PM

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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