Mississippi River Climate and Hydrology Conference

Wednesday, 15 May 2002: 2:10 PM
Cloud/Hydrometeor assimilation into the 20-km RUC using GOES cloud-top and NEXRAD reflectivity data
Dongsoo Kim, CIRES/Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, CO; and J. M. Brown and S. G. Benjamin
The Rapid Update Cycle has been assimilating full resolution (10km) cloud-top pressure data derived from GOES sounder data. This assimilation has been shown to provide improvement for forecasts of cloud-top pressure out to 12h.

Recently, we have developed an assimilation technique of hydrometeors from the national mosaic 2km resolution maximum reflectivity data. The contribution toward each species of hydrometeor (rain water, ice, snow and graupel) is computed at the level of predicted maximum reflectivity. Then the contributions are redistributed as an adjustment of mixing ratio profiles. Impact on precipitation forecasts from this technique incorporating both cloud-top data from GOES and maximum reflectivity data from NEXRAD will be presented in the meeting.

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