Using a version of the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS) that has been specially modified to mimic a mosaic-of-tiles GCM, we compare surface and atmospheric quantities simulated by this modified RAMS with output from similar simulations but conducted with unmodified RAMS at a high spatial resolution. We focus on case study days from July 1995 over the Oklahoma/Kansas portion of the GCIP study area. We find substantial differences between these two sets of simulations, particularly in the mid/upper convective boundary layer, and these differences can largely be attributed to the mesoscale dynamics that is captured by the high-resolution simulations but not by the “synthetic-mosaic” runs. In particular, days that exhibit enhanced mesoscale variability in surface fluxes, and hence more (and more intense) landscape-forced mesoscale circulations, show the greater differences. We also discuss the dependence of these results on model resolution. Based on this comparison, we estimate the differences in vertical heat and moisture fluxes required to explain the differences in spatially-averaged vertical profiles of potential temperature and specific humidity. From these flux differences, we create a dimensionless “flux adjustment” profile. We then apply this adjustment to the parameterized (subgrid-scale) vertical fluxes in several independent, coarse-resolution RAMS simulations; in other words, we modify the mosaic approach used in these simulations to account for the subgrid-scale dynamical impact of subgrid-scale surface variability. We examine the sensitivity of these simulations, with special attention to the resulting changes in convection, clouds, precipitation, and soil moisture, to this modification. We discuss the feedbacks resulting from this adjustment, as well as the implications for improving the parameterization of surface-atmosphere interactions in GCMs.
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