Mississippi River Climate and Hydrology Conference

Friday, 17 May 2002: 4:10 PM
The role of soil moisture & groundwater in modulating runoff response to climate & landuse forcing: Washita River Basin
Christopher J. Duffy, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA; and K. Sedmera
This paper examines how relatively small-scale landuse changes may introduce a dramatic shift in runoff response to weather and seasonal climate forcing, by shifting the relative balance of evaporation and groundwater recharge within the upland part of the watershed. The study site is the Washita and Little Washita rivers of southwest Oklahoma. This area has been focus of the NASA-supported Southern Great Plains field experiments.

The analysis of the historical records of streamflow, precipitation and temperature was carried out using singular spectrum analysis. The important result of the space-time decomposition is that the annual spring flood nearly disappears for a 25 year interval (1960-1985). This response is observed in the annual runoff mode which shows a long term reduction in amplitude (1960-1975) with an increase later in the period (1978-1985). No corresponding mode is observed in the precipitation or temperature. Explanation for the reduction in peak flow (spring flood) from 1960-75 seems to be the construction of small upland storage reservoirs which likely changed the relative balance of evaporation and recharge, both increasing at the expense of upland runoff. This increase in recharge and damping of the seasonal runoff response is consistent with the longer time scales of groundwater storage and baseflow to the stream determined in our work. Recovery of the peakflows which began in the late 70’s is also interesting since it starts before the El Nino years of the 1980’s. During this period most of the upland reservoirs have become choked with sediments and the hydrologic system has returned to the pre-1960 condition with “normal” spring floods.

Present activities involve implementation of a soil moisture-groundwater-runoff model of the Little Washita which simulates the observed effects well. Our next step is to validate the model with SGP soil moisture initializations from the ’92 and/or ’94 campaigns. The research shows the importance of the soil moisture-groundwater connection in water resource management, and the difficulty of confirming the relative impacts of climate and landuse change.

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