Session 6 Air Pollution Modelling and Its Application

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates paper is an Award Winner

Monday, 15 May 2000

5:00 PM-7:00 PM: Monday, 15 May 2000

Conference Registration at the Regal Harvest House

Tuesday, 16 May 2000

7:30 AM-5:30 PM: Tuesday, 16 May 2000

Registration Continues Through Friday, 19 May

9:00 AM-9:30 AM: Tuesday, 16 May 2000

Opening Session

9:30 AM-4:10 PM: Tuesday, 16 May 2000

Session 1
Role of Atmospheric Models in Air Pollution Policy and Abatement Strategies
Host: Air Pollution Modelling and Its Application
Organizer: Frank Schiermeier
10:30 AM
How Should the Photochemical Modeling Systems be used in Guiding Emissions Management Decisions?
S. T. Rao, NY; and C. Hogrefe, H. Mao, J. Biswas, I. Zurbenko, P. S. Porter, P. Kasibhatla, and D. A. Hansen

11:50 AM
12:10 PM
12:50 PM
1:10 PM
The Designation of Fuzzy Air Quality Management Areas
B. E. Fisher, United Kingdom; and A. G. Newland

1:30 PM
1:51 PM
Coffee/Tea Break

2:20 PM
Lunch Break

4:08 PM
Session 1: Continued

4:09 PM
Session 1: Continued

4:10 PM-4:40 PM: Tuesday, 16 May 2000

Coffee/Tea Break

4:40 PM-6:20 PM: Tuesday, 16 May 2000

Session 2
4:40 PM
Air Quality Modelling for the Hong Kong PATH Project
J. Noonan, Australia; and W. Physick, M. Cope, M. Burgers, and M. Olliff

5:00 PM
Study of the Transport and Diffusion Process in the PBL Using the RAMS and Spray Models: Application to Tract Experiment
J. C. Carvalho, Brazil; and G. A. DeGrazia, D. Anfossi, and S. Trini Castelli

5:20 PM
Simulation of Photochemical Smog Episodes in Europe Using Nesting Techniques and Different Model Evaluation Approaches
A. Ebel, Germany; and M. Memmesheimer, H. J. Jakobs, C. Kessler, G. Piekorz, and M. Weber

5:40 PM
Modelling and Data-Assimilation of Ozone and Aerosols
P. Builtjes, Netherlands; and M. van Loon

6:30 PM-6:30 PM: Tuesday, 16 May 2000

Welcome Reception (in the Regal Harvest House)

Wednesday, 17 May 2000

8:30 AM-10:31 AM: Wednesday, 17 May 2000

10:30 AM-11:00 AM: Wednesday, 17 May 2000

Coffee/Tea Break

11:00 AM-4:49 PM: Wednesday, 17 May 2000

Session 3
Global and Long-Range Transport (Synoptic, Hemispheric and Global Scales, Application of Existing Models)
Host: Air Pollution Modelling and Its Application
Organizer: R. Bornstein
11:20 AM
A Comprehensive Eulerian Modeling Framework for Airborne Mercury Species: Model Development and Applications
G. Petersen, Germany; and R. Bloxam, S. Wong, O. Krüger, and S. Schmolke

11:40 AM
Modeling of Mercury Cycle in the Atmosphere
G. Kallos, Greece; and O. Kakaliagou, A. Voudouri, I. Pytharoulis, N. Pirrone, L. Forlano, and J. Pachyna

12:00 PM
12:20 PM
1:20 PM
2:00 PM
2:41 PM
The Frequency and Nature of Air Pollution Transport from Asia to North America
J. J. Yienger, IA; and G. R. Carmichael, M. J. Phadnis, H. Levy II, W. J. Moxim, T. A. Holloway, and M. K. Galanter

3:01 PM
Lunch Break

4:49 PM
Session 3: Continued

4:50 PM-4:50 PM: Wednesday, 17 May 2000

Poster Session 1
Poster Session with Refreshments
Host: Air Pollution Modelling and Its Application
Modelling Photochemical Air Pollution in São Paulo, Brazil
A. G. Ulke, Argentina; and M. F. Andrade

Environmental Impact of Bulgarian NNP 'Kozloduy'
A. Tzenkova, Bulgaria; and J. Ivancheva and D. Syrakov

A First Order Lagrangian Stochastic Model for Long Range Transport
R. D'Amours, Canada; and S. Trudel, T. K. Flesch, and J. D. Wilson

Extension of the Fast Spectral LINCOM Model to Flow over Complex Terrain with Thermal Stratification
F. N. Dunkerley, Denmark; and J. Moreno Santabarbara, T. Mikkelsen, and I. H. Griffiths

The Finnish Operational Emergency Model Framework
I. Valkama, Finland; and P. Siljamo and M. Ilvonen

Combination of Different Procedures for an Ozone Forecasting System
E. Reimer, Germany; and G. Wiegand, J. Flemming, and M. Dlabka

Experimental Investigation of the Trace Gas Composition of a City Plume
M. Möllmann-Coers, Germany; and K. Mannsshreck, T. Schmitz, and D. Klemp

Meteorological Modelling Set-Up for use in Long-Period Photochemical Model Simultations
A. Papadopoulos, Greece; and K. Lagouvardos, A. Voudouri, and G. Kallos

Photochemical Modeling of a Wintertime Episode and HONO's Role
F. Ghezzi, Italy; and G. Maffeis, A. Febo, and M. Tamponi

Lagrangian Particle Simulation of an EPA Wind Tunnel Tracer Experiment in a Schematic Two-Dimensional Valley
E. Ferrero, Italy; and D. Anfossi, G. Tinarelli, and S. Trini Castelli

Neural Network Based Air Quality Modelling and Forecasting
S. Dorling, United Kingdom; and G. Cawley

Simulating Atmospheric Exposure Using an Innovative Meteorological Sampling Scheme
D. B. Schwede, NC; and W. B. Petersen and S. K. LeDuc

A Common System to Initialize Multiple Prognostic Codes for Air Quality Modeling
D. A. Moon, MN; and W. A. Lyons, J. L. Eastman, and T. E. Nelson

Models-3/CMAQ: Applications which Illustrate Capability and Functionality
S. K. LeDuc, NC; and K. L. Schere, J. M. Godowitch, and G. L. Gipson

Regional Air Pollution Originating from Oil-Refinery Fires Under War Conditions
Z. Vukmirovic, Yugoslavia; and L. Lazic, I. Tosic, and M. Unkasevic

Nesting of an Operational Air Quality Model (OPANA) into a Global Meteorological Spetral Model (RSM/NOAA): Preliminary Results
R. San José, Spain; and I. Salas, J. I. Peña, A. Martín, J. L. Pérez, A. B. Carpintero, and R. M. González

Trajectories Climatology: A Tool for Risk Management
F. Bompay, France; and L. Coltel and J. M. Malfitano

A Model of Dispersion of the Pollution Emission into the Atmosphere in the Airport Areas
T. Pop, Romania; and C. Ionescu, O. Olteanu, and D. Fita

Urban Air Quality Modelling in the European Union
P. Suppan, Italy; and A. Skouloudis

Thursday, 18 May 2000

8:30 AM-10:30 AM: Thursday, 18 May 2000

Session 4
8:50 AM
Observation and Model Studies of some Radiative Effects of Mineral Dust
F. Pradelle, France; and G. Cautenet, O. Chomette, M. Legrand, G. Bergametti, and B. Marticorena

9:10 AM
Climate Effects of Sulphate and Black Carbon Estimated in a Global Climate Model
T. Iversen, Norway; and A. Kirkevåg, J. E. Kristjánsson, and Ø. Seland

11:00 AM-11:30 AM: Thursday, 18 May 2000

Coffee/Tea Break

11:00 AM-1:00 PM: Thursday, 18 May 2000

Session 5
New Developments (Microscale to Global Scale, New Models, New Extensions to Exisiting Models)
Host: Air Pollution Modelling and Its Application
Organizer: J. Wilkinson
11:01 AM
The Development of the Australian Air Quality Forecasting System: Current Status
G. D. Hess, Australia; and M. E. Cope, S. Lee, P. C. Manins, G. A. Mills, K. Puri, and K. Tory

11:41 AM
An Analytical Air Pollution Model: Eddy Diffusivities Depending on the Source Distance
G. A. Degrazia, Brazil; and D. M. Moreira, M. T. De Vilhena, and A. B. Moura

12:21 PM
An Explicit Model for Tropospheric Multiphase Chemistry
M. Leriche, France; and N. Chaumerliac

1:00 PM-1:00 PM: Thursday, 18 May 2000

Group Photograph/Lunch/Afternoon Tour

Friday, 19 May 2000

8:30 AM-4:20 PM: Friday, 19 May 2000

Session 5
New Developments (Microscale to Global Scale, New Models, New Extensions to Existing Models): Continued
Host: Air Pollution Modelling and Its Application
Organizer: J. C. Weil
8:30 AM
Progress in Countergradient Transprot Theory
H. van Dop, Netherlands; and G. Verver

8:50 AM
Parameterisation of Fluxes over a Sparse Boreal Forest at High Latitudes
E. Batchvarova, Denmark; and S. E. Gryning and H. A. R. de Bruin

9:10 AM
9:30 AM
Dependence of Turbulent Velocity Variances on Scale and Stability
L. Mahrt, OR; and E. Moore, D. Vickers, and N. O. Jensen

9:50 AM
New Developments in Dispersion Experiments and Models for the Convective Boundary Layer
J. C. Weil, CO; and W. H. Snyder, R. E. Lawson Jr., and M. S. Shipman

10:30 AM
PLPM: A new Photochemical Lagrangian Particle Model. Basic Ideas and Preliminary Results
G. Zanini, Italy; and R. Lorenzini, L. DelleMonache, S. Mosca, R. Bellasio, and R. Bianconi

11:10 AM
Artificial Neural Network-based Environmental Models
M. Z. Božnar, Slovenia; and P. Mlakar

12:51 PM
Adaptive Grids in Air Pollution Modeling: Towards an Operational Model
M. T. Odman, GA; and D. S. McRae, R. K. Srivastava, and M. N. Khan

1:31 PM
Coffee/Tea Break

2:00 PM
Spatial-Temporal Variability of Aerosol Optical Properties Simulated in CAM/GCM III (Formerly paper 6.1)
J. P. Huang, Canada; and S. L. Gong, L. A. Barrie, and J. P. Blanchet

2:19 PM
Lunch Break

3:48 PM
Coffee/Tea Break

4:18 PM
Session 5: Continued

4:19 PM
Session 5: Continued

4:20 PM-6:20 PM: Friday, 19 May 2000

7:00 PM-7:00 PM: Friday, 19 May 2000

Conference Banquet

Saturday, 20 May 2000

8:30 AM-12:59 PM: Saturday, 20 May 2000

Session 6
12:12 PM
Session 6: Continued

9:30 AM
Inverse Transport MOdeling of Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Europe
A. T. Vermeulen, Netherlands; and A. Hensen, J. W. Erisman, M. van Loon, and P. J. H. Builtjes

9:50 AM
10:10 AM
A Neural Network Model for the Forecasting of Ozone Threshold Exceedings in a Metropolitan Area
E. Angelino, Italy; and M. Valentini, L. Bianchi, and R. Gualdi

10:31 AM
10:51 AM
11:31 AM
11:32 AM
Meteorological Analysis of a 1997 South Coast Air Quality Study (SCOS'97) Ozone Episode
R. D. Bornstein, CA; and D. Boucouvala, I. R. Imamura, and D. Miller

12:13 PM
Coffee/Tea Break

1:00 PM
Conference Closing