6th Conference on Polar Meteorology and Oceanography

Session 2

 Large-scale Atmospheric Circulations, Oscillations, and Interactions: Continued
 Organizer: Michael L. Van Woert, National Ice Center, Washington, DC
10:30 AM2.6Impacts of Winter Arctic Oscillation on the Siberian High, the East Asian Winter Monsoon, and Sea-Ice Extent  
Jia Wang, IARC, Univ. of Alaska, Fairbanks, AK; and B. Wu
10:45 AM2.7The Arctic Oscillation as the driver of spring warmings  extended abstract
James E. Overland, NOAA/PMEL, Seattle, WA; and M. Wang and N. A. Bond
2.8The influence of the Arctic Oscillation on the atmospheric moisture budget  
David G. Groves, Univ. of Washington, Seattle, WA
2.9Simulation of mass and moisture transport in a regional climate model of the Arctic  
Richard I. Cullather, CIRES/Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, CO; and A. H. Lynch
11:00 AM2.10Spatial and temporal variability of Arctic Basin precipitation  extended abstract
David H. Bromwich, Byrd Polar Research Center, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, OH; and S. H. Wang and E. N. Cassano
11:15 AM2.11Towards prediction of snowmelt onset over Arctic sea ice  
Sheldon Drobot, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO; and M. R. Anderson

Tuesday, 15 May 2001: 10:30 AM-11:30 AM

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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