5b.13 A mesoscale model for operative forecast according to ICAO requirement for air navigation: simulation in the Area of Terra Nova Bay, Antarctica

Friday, 18 May 2001: 11:15 AM
F. Fattori Speranza, National Program Research Antarctica ENEA, Roma, Italy; and P. Coppola, H. Gallée, P. Grigioni, and A. Pellegrini

The aim of this paper is to obtain operative weather forecast for the Antarctic region of Terra Nova Bay (according to ICAO requirement for air navigation) and to study katabatic winds (up to 48-72h). The hydrostatic mesoscale atmospheric model MAR (Modelè Atmosphérique Régional) is used. An idealized large-scale situation is prescribed. Air-sea interaction over TNB is assessed by simulation with a coupled atmosphere-polynya model. A blowing snow model is also simulated by different states of surface friction. Finally, different ice concentration is considered by satellite data from SSM/I (with resolution of 12.5Km) and by different ice thikness (2m for sea-ice and more than 100m for ice-sheet). We intend to simulate a known event of the past in order to test our model for the TNB region.
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