It is shown by the linear stationary wave theory that only ultralong waves are capable of penetrating to high latitudes. Based on this wave theory, we introduce a Fourier scale separation to divide the ENSO anomalous circulation into two wave regimes: long-wave (wave number 1-3) and short-wave (wave number 4-15). The conventional teleconnection wave train from the equatorial central Pacific is basically formed by the long-wave regime. In contrast, the short-wave regime exhibits a well-organized wave train propagating from the western subtropical Pacific along the North-Pacific rim into North America. In order to understand the formation of this short-wave train, we perform a diagnostic analysis and numerical simulations. It is indicated by the comparison between the anomalous divergent circulation of the short-wave train and rainfall anomalies that the anomalous rainfall/convection over the Philippine Sea induced by cold surge vortices of the East-Asian winter monsoon forms the forcing of this wave train. With an idealized forcing (with a radius of 103 km) centered at (10oN, 135oE), the North-Pacific short-wave train was properly simulated by Version 3 of the NCAR Community Climate Model (CCM3).
As shown by the linear wave theory, short weaves are trapped in the tropics. Nevertheless, the short-wave train stimulated by the western tropical Pacific forcing propagates along the maximum westerlies across the North Pacific in order to reach North America. Therefore, this newly identified short-wave train enables us not only to better understand the formation of the ENSO anomalous circulation pattern across North America, but also to establish a possible link between the climate systems of the western Pacific and North America.