19th Conf. on weather Analysis and Forecasting/15th Conf. on Numerical Weather Prediction
21st Conf. on Severe Local Storms


Grassroots science and technology transfer in a collaborative research/operational environment

John S. Kain, CIMMS/Univ. of Oklahoma and NOAA/NSSL, Norman, OK; and M. E. Baldwin, S. J. Weiss, P. R. Janish, J. A. Hart, and A. Just

Since the Storm Prediction Center began full-time operations at the National Severe Storms facility in 1997, collaborative research between the two institutions has begun to thrive. A prominent mutual interest has been NCEP's Eta model, along with an experimental version of this model run in parallel to operations at NSSL. Research scientists at NSSL are particularly interested in how operational forecasters are using the Eta model and in developing ways to tailor model output to the specific needs of forecasters. At the same time, SPC forecasters are eager to learn more about the models so that they can more skillfully and scientifically interpret them in preparing forecasts, and to communicate their needs to model developers. Inspired by these common interests, we have introduced several unique tools into SPC operations over the past several years. These tools are closely related to the research interests of the authors and the SPC's desire for improved guidance in the prediction of convective initiation.

The first two items are unique output fields from NSSL's experimental Eta model forecasts. This configuration of the Eta uses the Kain-Fritsch (KF) convective parameterization rather than the operational Betts-Miller-Janjic (BMJ) scheme. One new output field from the KF scheme is the parameterized updraft mass flux (UMF). This field provides forecasters with an unique prediction of the strength of convective updrafts, and operational experience has shown the UMF to be a valuable complement to other indicators of convective intensity, such as convective rainfall, instability, wind shear, and helicity. The second output field is the source level for parameterized updrafts (USL). Convection arising from an elevated source poses a significantly reduced threat for tornadoes compared to surface-based convection. The USL field has shown remarkable skill in pointing forecasters to areas where convection is likely to be elevated, efficiently providing an extra layer of insight into forecaster interpretation of model forecasts.

Two additional, related tools have recently been introduced into operations. Specifically, diagnostic versions of the BMJ and KF convective parameterizations are now available as part of the SPC's N-SHARP sounding analysis program. With this capability, forecasters can easily evaluate any observed or model-forecast sounding using either one of these convective schemes. The graphical output shows step-by-step procedures used by the scheme and final convective adjustment profiles. This provides forecasters with direct knowledge of how convective schemes operate and how they are likely to modify soundings during the model integration, providing valuable clues for understanding sounding evolution in the Eta model. In addition, soundings can be easily modified within N-SHARP before calling the convective scheme, allowing forecasters to evaluate the convective threat after anticipated diurnal heating in the boundary layer, for example. All of these tools will be demonstrated at the conference and the benefits of this type of technology transfer will be discussed.

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Joint Session 2, Joint Keynote Address II (Joint with 21SLS and 19WAF/15NWP)
Monday, 12 August 2002, 9:15 AM-10:00 AM

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