The AFRL thermosonde estimates the optical turbulence profile by measuring a 1m horizontal temperature structure function as it ascends through the atmosphere 110m below a large weather balloon. The temperature differences are sensed by two 3.45 micro meter diameter tungsten wires which are legs of a Wheatstone bridge detecting the difference in temperature to 0.001K. Onboard instrumentation computes a 4 to 8 second running root-mean-square of the difference, which is transmitted to the ground station as spare channel data along with the met data from the attached RS-80GE radiosonde. The temperature structure function is converted to the temperature structure constant assuming that the turbulence follows Kolmogorov behavior and using Obukhov and Yaglom's deduction for passive scalars. The radiosonde data is then used to convert the temperature structure constant to the structure constant for the index of refraction, Cn2, the measure of local optical turbulence.
Eighteen thermosondes were launched with their radiosondes, 17 of which had usable Cn2 data, and 23 additional radiosondes were launched. Rawinsonde data from all launches will be used to detect mountain wave parameters to include variance in ascent rate, horizontal wind velocity, and potential temperature. Where possible, the optical turbulence strength will be tested for correlation with the wave parameters. In addition, there will be comparisons to various numerical model forecasts and possibly to other measurements in the T-REX Campaign.