So far, scientific investigations have concentrated their focus mostly on the relation (air-)temperature versus snow cover (duration). This relation, however, is highly complex. The build up of a snow cover needs a single precipitation event with a sufficient low wet bulb temperature. The melting of a snow pack is dependent on a positive energy balance. Besides the radiation budget again the wet bulb temperature plays the determining role for melting.
From the VERACLIM data set, a high resolution reanalysis of the Alpine Atmosphere for the last 25 years, the wet bulb temperature with a 3 hourly resolution has been used to investigate the level of snow during precipitation and the melting conditions. The high temporal resolution is necessary as most precipitation events are related to fronts, with a significant short term air mass change. Some trends have been found frightingly large, up to +400 Meters during the last quarter century. Interestingly enough, the weaker increase has been found in winter as compared to the summer.
The presentation will give an overview of the trends at one Alpine grid point and an outlook to a further spatial evaluation of the data set.