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The main scientific objective of T-REX is a comprehensive study of the coupled mountain-wave--rotor--boundary-layer system. Complimentary scientific issues include stratospheric-tropospheric exchange (STE) and structure and evolution of the complex-terrain boundary layer in the absence of rotors. Resulting from the need to document atmospheric conditions and processes from the Earth surface up to the upper-tropospheric/lower-stratospheric altitudes, the T-REX field campaign had both a comprehensive ground-based and an airborne observing program. The ground-based observing platforms were located on both sides of the high Sierra Nevada, with the majority of instrument platforms positioned near the town of Independence in Owens Valley in the Sierra Nevada lee. These include Doppler and aerosol lidars, wind profilers, sodars, networks of automatic weather stations, soil moisture and temperature sensors, flux towers, and radiosonde operations. The three aircraft involved in the airborne program were NSF/NCAR HIAPER, UK FAAM BAe146, and the University of Wyoming King Air, which were involved in a number of two- and three- aircraft coordinated missions.
An anomalous weather pattern that persisted throughout March and April 2006 resulted in an unusually large number of West coast weather systems, which generated conditions conducive for mountain wave and rotor formation over Owens Valley. Fifteen Intensive Observing Periods that documented the coupled rotor and boundary layer system were carried out during the two-month field campaign. In addition, five Enhanced Observing Periods were conducted to observe the quiescent boundary layer evolution in the absence of rotors. The comprehensive T-REX data set represents a unique opportunity to address basic scientific questions motivated by T-REX, and will provide crucial observations for numerical model validation and ultimately will enhance the capability of mesoscale and microscale modeling of processes in complex terrain. The results of the T-REX research effort are expected to be instrumental in achieving further improvements in prediction of aviation hazards, downslope windstorms, and aerosol transport and dispersion.