We first map the parameter space dependence for flows both with and without applied surface friction as a function of the non-dimensional height Nh/U and slope h/L of the hill. For the free-slip problem wakes occur only for sufficiently large Nh/U, with the threshold height for the wake increasing with increasing h/L. For all h/L the transition to the wake regime is nearly coincident with the appearance of upstream blocking. With the addition of surface friction a second wake regime appears at small Nh/U and large h/L. The critical obstacle slope for this regime is smallest at N = 0 and increases with increasing Nh/U. The parameter dependence of the surface drag (both pressure and skin friction) and vertical momentum flux is also discussed.
Several of the large Nh/U cases are re-examined using a method for separating the vorticity and flow fields into baroclinic and frictional parts. It is shown that for small h/L the wake is driven primarily by baroclinic effects. However, with increasing obstacle slope the role of the frictional flow becomes gradually more pronounced. For slopes at laboratory scales (h/L = 2.0) the frictional part of the flow appears to dominate while baroclinicity plays a secondary role.