P10.2 A series of thunderstorm activities: environmental conditions and storm track analysis

Friday, 15 September 2000
Jing-Shan Hong, Central Weather Bureau, Taipei, Taiwan; and S. M. Deng

Continuous thunderstorm activities over one week around northern Taiwan during late August 1999 are investigated in this paper. Thunderstorms are unusual severe and accompany with the hail report. The first component of the paper is to explore which the synoptic components, either dynamic or thermodynamic aspect, provide the favor conditions for the storm activities. The focus will be on the interaction of the mesoscale frontal system and the cold core low at 200 hPa. The second part will be down to the local scale to identify the storm tracks (as shown in the figure ) and tries to find the relations between the storm initiation, motion, and evolution with the orography from a large storm population during the late August, 1999.

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
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